OLLI-UO operates with the Osher Foundation’s guideline to “encourage excellence and promote long-term sustainability and success.” OLLI-UO revenue mainly comes from three sources. The first is the annual fees each member pays. Second is the annual distribution from the Osher Endowment. The third source is tax-deductible contributions by members who voluntarily choose to support OLLI and help defray its expenses.
Your contributions are tax deductible! Gifts are received through the UO Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization, and placed in designated OLLI-UO funds for our utilization.
There are many ways you can creatively support your OLLI-UO program:
University of Oregon Foundation Services
Gift Services
1720 E. 13th Avenue, suite 410
Eugene, OR 97403-2253
If you prefer to speak with OLLI program staff or council leaders about your current or future donation(s), please call 541-346-0697 or email osher@uoregon.edu.