UO CPE offices are closed March 24–28 for Spring Break.

University of Oregon

Program Proposal Form

Use this form to propose programming you would like to teach or see offered at OLLI-UO. Once this form is received, it will be reviewed at the next scheduled meeting of a Program Committee at one of our three locations.

Share Your Expertise, Teach for OLLI-UO!

Volunteer instructors, presenters, and facilitators include emeritus and current faculty from UO and other universities, professionals from the community, and OLLI-UO members.

* Required

Please select your location: *

  Central Oregon
  Northwest Oregon

Your level of involvement: *

  I would like to present or teach for OLLI-UO.
  I am submitting this proposal on behalf of a proposed presenter.
  I have an idea for a program that I would like to see offered through OLLI-UO.

Presenter/Instructor Contact Information

Proposal Details

  study group
  discussion group
  field trip
  other (please describe)

Submitter's Contact Information

If you have any questions about submitting a proposal, please call the OLLI-UO program staff at 800-824-2714 or email osher@uoregon.edu.

Please feel free to print and mail the completed form to the following address:

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Continuing and Professional Education
1277 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1277