UO CPE offices are closed March 24–28 for Spring Break.

University of Oregon

Volunteer for OLLI-UO

OLLI-UO is a cooperative learning community that depends on the active participation of its members. Please indicate how you would like to contribute by completing the form below or by contacting the OLLI-UO office at 800-824-2714 or osher@uoregon.edu. Volunteer descriptions may be expanded by clicking on the title of each role below.

Volunteer committees, along with the member-elected council, help develop curriculum and manage membership growth and retention. Upon submission, a member-leader will contact you to confirm interest in and availability for a specified position.

* Required

Please select your location: *

  Central Oregon
  Northwest Oregon

Contact Information

Check the boxes below for each volunteer opportunity that interests you. Training will be provided as necessary. Select each link for more information.

Program Development

  Lecture Manager

Manage program from beginning to end. Determine format of program (In-Person only, Zoom only, or Hybrid). Develop proposal for approval. Work with OLLI-UO program staff to schedule speaker and venue (if applicable). Facilitate event (see Lecture Facilitator duties below), or recruit and coordinate facilitator(s). Request Zoom Moderator, if necessary. Provide description and speaker bio for InfoHub.

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month

  Course Manager

Manage program from beginning to end. Determine format of program (In-Person only, Zoom only, or Hybrid). Develop proposal for approval. Work with OLLI-UO program staff to schedule speaker and/or venue (if applicable). Facilitate session(s) (see Course Facilitator duties below), or recruit and coordinate facilitator(s). Request Zoom Moderator, if necessary. Provide description and speaker bio for InfoHub.

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month

  Discussion Group Coordinator

Manage ongoing discussion group activities for each meeting of the Discussion Group. Determine format of group (In-Person only, Zoom only, or Hybrid). Choose topics, recruit and coordinate facilitator(s), and work with OLLI-UO staff to schedule venue, if applicable. Request Zoom Moderator, if necessary. Provide titles and descriptions for each session for InfoHub.

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month

In-Person Classroom and Event Support

  Lecture Facilitator

Review program and venue details with speaker. Obtain instructor handouts or materials beforehand (if applicable) and work with OLLI-UO staff to post behind member portal. Announce program format, introduce speaker(s), and manage Q & As. May also provide audio/visual assistance or, optionally, work with Audio/Visual Staff/Volunteer (see Audio/Visual Support description below).

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month

  Course Facilitator

Review lectures if it is a DVD course. Prepare any discussion topics or questions, supplemental material (videos, PowerPoint presentations, etc.). Introduce topic of the day’s presentations and present optional supplemental material before and/or after lecture. Manage Q & As. May also provide audio/visual assistance or, optionally, work with Audio/Visual Support (see Audio/Visual Support description below).

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month

  Event Greeter

Greet members as they arrive at events and ensure they sign in. This is especially important for new and prospective/trial members.

Time commitment: 0-1 hours per month

  Event Support

Assist with pre-event preparation and venue setup. Provide assistance and information to participants during events. Support organizers of event or field trip.

Time commitment: 1-2 hours per month


Set up, put away, and help lecturers or facilitators use audiovisual equipment (projector, microphones and speakers.) Problem-solve technology issues (starting/pausing/stopping DVD, PowerPoint, internet connection, etc.). Assist participants with technology in classes (iPhones, laptops). Manage or assist with cameras used for hybrid programs (depending on skills). Work closely with OLLI-UO program staff to communicate issues.

Volunteers should be comfortable with technology and enjoy troubleshooting. Training on department-owned equipment will be provided.

Time commitment: 4-6 hours per month

Online (Zoom) Support

  Zoom Lecture Facilitator

Review program and venue details with speaker. Obtain instructor handouts or materials beforehand (if applicable) and work with OLLI-UO staff to post behind member portal. Announce program format, introduce speaker(s), and manage Q & As. May also provide some Zoom assistance or, optionally, work with Zoom Moderator (see Zoom Moderator description below).

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month

  Zoom Course Facilitator

Review lectures if it is a DVD course. Prepare any discussion topics or questions, supplemental material (videos, PowerPoint presentations, etc.). Introduce topic of the day’s presentations and present optional supplemental material before and/or after lecture. Manage Q & As. May also provide some Zoom assistance or, optionally, work with Zoom Moderator (see Zoom Moderator description below).

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month

  Zoom Moderator

The Zoom Moderator backs up the facilitator as follows: admits attendees from the waiting room, watches for raised hands (digital and physical), monitors and reads chat questions aloud, lowers digital hands after attendee speaks, mutes or stops video for participants when needed.

Time commitment: 2-4 hours per month

  Zoom Host*

Creates UO Zoom link for scheduled programs and ensures that link is sent to UO staff to be included in the daily Zoom links email. Admits attendees from the waiting room, watches for raised hands (digital and physical), lowers digital hands after attendee speaks, mutes or stops video for participants when needed.

*Requires formal authorization from UO and creation of UO account

Time Commitment: TBD

  Zoom Social Events Support

The Zoom social event support person helps come up with ideas for events, acts as one of the hosts, acts as a leader/moderator in a breakout room. Works closely with the membership committee.

Time commitment: 2-4 hours per month

Hybrid Event Support

A hybrid event is both in-person and online (Zoom). This requires a Facilitator, a Zoom Moderator, a Zoom Host, and Audio/Visual Support.

  Hybrid Program Facilitator

Review program and venue details with speaker. Announce program format, introduce speaker(s) and manage Q and A’s. Facilitate interaction between live audience and Zoom audience, including repeating each question asked by live or Zoom audience member. Coordinate with the Zoom facilitator. May also provide audio/visual assistance.

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month


  Governing Council

Governing Councils consist of members elected by their membership. Council members serve two-year terms and attend monthly meetings. Councils support committees, set OLLI-UO program priorities, policies, and budgets consistent with UO rules and OLLI-UO bylaws. Work on ad hoc initiatives prioritized by the Councils.

Time commitment: 5-10 hours per month


Membership Committees formulate strategies, plan, and project budgets, initiatives, and materials to promote membership recruitment, growth, and engagement. Membership committee members contact lapsed members to encourage them to renew or gain understanding as to why the member did not renew. Membership committee members attend monthly meetings.

Time commitment: 2-4 hours per month


Program Committees guide program planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum. Program committee members attend monthly meetings to brainstorm new program ideas, select and shape program proposals, and work with OLLI-UO staff to schedule classes.

Time commitment: 5-10 hours per month



Work with program staff and department graphic designer to take photographs at OLLI-UO events and trips. Images may be used on the website, social media, or print publications and will be the property of the University of Oregon. Volunteer will use their own camera.

Time commitment: 0-1 hours per month

  Program Catalog Editor

Write or edit content for program catalog descriptions. Content must include title, date/time, description of lecture or course, titles of each session (for a course), and presenter bio. Obtain listings of topics/titles for study/discussion group. Work closely with OLLI-UO staff to publish information. See Program Catalog for examples.

Time commitment: 4-5 hours per month

  Facebook Contributor

Work with department program and communication staff to become a contributor of the OLLI-UO Facebook page. Training with OLLI-UO staff is required, as is signing the UO social media memorandum of understanding, as you will be representing the program and posting as OLLI-UO. Volunteer responsibilities will be centered around finding suitable information to share on the OLLI-UO Facebook page, ensuring the information is coming from a reliable source, and that it is targeted to OLLI-UO audiences. There are multiple social media volunteers, so you will be posting no more than 2-3 times a week.

A personal Facebook account is required, as well as the knowledge and ability to share and post information on a Facebook page. Training and support will be provided.

Time commitment: 2-8 hours per month

Other Areas of Interest


Data entry (attendance records, etc.), access materials and supplies in storage, help with mailings and documents (envelopes, stickers, etc.).

Time commitment: 0-2 hours per month

  Volunteer Coordinator

Recruit volunteers and coordinate volunteer efforts at your location. Both Central Oregon and Eugene/Springfield are seeking volunteer coordinators.

Time commitment: 1-10 hours per month

  SIG Coordination

Review new SIG proposals. Promote SIG activities and participation. Identify and recruit SIG facilitators. Provide support for ongoing SIGS.

Time commitment: 0-2 hours per month

  Community Outreach Support

Promote OLLI-UO in the community to inform prospective members about the program and identify community partnerships. Connect with current members to aide retention. The committee coordinates activities with the Membership and Fundraising committees and reports to the Governing Council.

Time commitment: 0-2 hours per month


Assist OLLI-UO in achieving financial sustainability by helping set realistic fundraising goals and creating a fundraising strategy for each fiscal year. Participate with current ad hoc fundraising committees. Report directly to Governing Council and work closely with UO program staff.

Time commitment: 0-2 hours per month


If you have any questions about volunteering, please call the OLLI-UO program staff at 800-824-2714 or email osher@uoregon.edu. Once this form is received, it will be submitted to the volunteer coordinator for review.

Please feel free to print and mail the completed form to the following address:

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Continuing and Professional Education
1277 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1277